Case Studies

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Care Supervisor, Hepscott Park

Caring is in my family, my mum is an assistant manager in a service like this, so I’ve always had an interest.


Tynedale Horticultural Service, Minsteracres Care/support worker

I got into caring quite recently. I was a chef, I ran a catering company, then I started studying for a psychology course with the Open University.


Mowbray Day Centre

Give caring a go, absolutely. You get a lot out of it, you really do. We definitely need more people to get into it.



Care worker Tynedale House

The satisfaction you get is amazing. It’s 24/7 care here, but I work days. I like getting here, doing a day’s work and then getting home and having family time.



Service Manager Tynedale Centre (CORE Furniture)

I came here 25 years ago as a care assistant up at Dean Park, loads of doors have opened for me since then.


 Here are some of our amazing new cohort talking about their experiences: